Graduate students often have access to workshops for so called soft skills, such as scientific presentation, writing and so on. But here often one thing is totally missing: what is expected in prospective leading industry positions? What is daily routine and what kind of pitfalls are waiting in my new job in industry? has established Biotech Seminars in Demand to illustrate characteristic aspects of daily routine in leading positions in biotech industry. These BSoDs serve as individual preparation for new candidates for industrial positions: preparation for applications and interviews, because specific keywords are mentioned in job offer (such as GMP, Lean Management, Validation, Approval of medical products, etc.) and preparation for a good start in your new position (setup of quality management systems, performing risk management for medical products, what kind of authorities do I have to deal with). Graduate students who aspire towards leading industrial positions and want to stand out from the crowd will benefit from Biotech Seminars on Demand.